Nasty Magazine

Dominion - May 2024

The freedom of women through the armour. A universe where the body becomes an expression of authenticity and power. Anouk Brouwer behind the camera.

Kaltblut Magazine

発見 - March 2024

A KALTBLUT exclusive. Dutch photographer Anouk Brouwer and Japanese showgirl Kily unite from opposite sides of the globe, collaborating on ‘発見’ (Discovery), an editorial that explores the truth in their togetherness as women. As they are shedding literal layers of culture, gender, and society, they gain connection and commonality.

Curated By Girls

Punk Grace - February 2024

Punk Grace is the new editorial by photographer Anouk Brouwer, capturing the journey of musician Jackie Lou, known for her punk rock aesthetic, now portrayed in a vulnerable and soft manner, shedding the layers of dark makeup and leather items. Bathed in sunlight, Jackie Lou stands stripped down, showcasing her bravery not through stage performance but by fearlessly revealing her authentic, softer self.

C-Heads Magazine

In My Skin - January 2024

“In My Skin” is a visual love letter to all women, celebrating the core of my womanhood; soft, sensual & confident. In a way, I feel like every photograph I take is a self-portrait ; through the lens I am looking for the beauty inside myself. The collaboration with Maudi added a unique touch to this series. Her openness and trust created a special synergy, allowing us to capture moments that resonate with the essence of being a woman.

Curated By Girls

My Shadow Self - October 2023

This series by Anouk Brouwer unveils the hidden aspects of one’s self, with light and dark elements merging into shades of self-discovery. The shots of Mia V symbolize the blossoming of self-acceptance and the empowerment found in embracing one’s magnetic and authentic self. This series is a homage to the power and beauty of women.

"This series is a testament to my admiration for women, as I continue to embrace my feminine and seductive form." - Anouk Brouwer

C-Heads Magazine

Sands of Sisterhood - August 2023

They are mysterious images that Anouk Brouwer brings from her journey. Small fragments that allow glimpses into the world, that let you see the small things. The photoseries created by Anouk Brouwer offers a tender and introspective exploration of both the landscapes of Egypt and Jordan, and the bonds of sisterhood.

Against the backdrop of the mystical lands of Egypt and Jordan, Brouwer and her sisters, models Pauline, Bo and Floor, experienced a profound reunion after years of separation. Their journey of rediscovery unfolds through Brouwer’s lens, each image a testament to not only their reconnection, but also the arresting beauty of these ancient lands.

Brouwer reflects on the experience: “In the mystical lands of Egypt and Jordan, a profound reunion unfolded as my family, separated for years, came together once again. Against the backdrop of captivating landscapes, we embarked on a journey of rediscovery. These images capture the essence of my three sisters and myself as we not only found each other, but also explored the beauty of these countries and, in turn, discovered ourselves.”

Brouwer’s photographic journey winds its way through Egypt, tracing a path from Cairo to Luxor and Dahab, before journeying to Jordan, meandering through Aqaba, Wadi Rum, Wadi Musa, Dana, Swemeh, Amman, and Jerash. With each location, Brouwer expertly creates a story that highlights the symbiotic relationship between the love of family and the love of place.

Gata Magazine

"Whispers of the Unruly Mind" - An Introspective Editorial by Martin Berteloodt & Anouk Brouwer - February 2023

"Whispers of the Unruly Mind" beckons a symphony of inner strife, a collection of jumbled desires and thoughts that disrupt life and cause chaos. It is a visual representation of the inner whispers we all have, the ones that agitate us so much and bring us disruption, desire, and disturbance. These murmurs are the echoes of our most profound aspirations and concerns: a voice that might be threatening, yet whose beauty is revealed through artistic freedom.



The focal point of this project is none other than the artistry of the photographer, Anouk Brouwer. Born in the Netherlands, Tokyo has completely enraptured Brouwer and she has become one of the most sought-out up-and-coming photographers of the Nippon capital. Honing her craft diligently, Brouwer’s lens is calibrated to a frequency of intimacy unattainable by the regular eye. Through Rui, Anouk Brouwer makes shapes come to life like paper cranes taking flight. 

Anouk Brouwer’s art is an unfiltered gaze on closeness, tenderness, womanhood, and humanity, tying with ribbons all sorts of cultures and faces. Body language meets performance before her camera, and that’s what makes every shot so unique: theatrical yet sensual, it gives you chills just by looking at it. So when Brouwer’s talent meets fashion, it’s a burst of the senses. Her photographs are beautiful because they uphold an incomparable raw essence, making the subject almost palpable. There’s no place for normalcy - nature’s poetry is heightened, and duality has never been this harmonious. 

Through the many projects that sabukaru has worked on with the multifaceted Anouk Brouwer, it’s safe to say that we’ve become devoted fans. Regardless of our admiration, her art evokes the best of this contemporary culture and has rightfully rewarded her with an extensive list of projects and publications. 

Gata Magazine

AIR OF MYSTERY - An Editorial by Anouk Brouwer' - November 2022

Anouk Brouwer is a Tokyo-based artist who, through emotive photography, portrays beautiful and thought provoking tales. In her latest work, she presents to us “ Air of Mystery.” Created in collaboration with the ever eclectic Japanese show girl Kily Shakley, “Air of Mystery” explores introspection brought on from the world of burlesque.

Through her performance, Kily fluidly transforms herself into a number of expressive characters, yet off the stage she finds her true self to be more reserved; a trait commonly used in reference to Japanese people, especially women.

Japanese society is very complex and layered, as such, the aim of this project was to communicate its air of mystery(謎の空気). To execute this, Brouwer and Kily deconstruct societal standards and question what it means to expose oneself in Japanese society. This is eloquently portrayed through the figurative and literal removal of these layers using the traditional Japanese Kimono as it’s motif.

Sticks & Stones Mothership

Anouk Brouwer 'Mitosis' - August 2022

Tokyo photographer Anouk Brouwer brings us a new series about letting go of the ‘old self’.

Boys by Girls

MUSHOKU 無色 - July 2022

My mushoku (colourless) was vanquished, banished to the past. Gone were the days of world overcast. A life of yūshoku (coloured, 無色), vivid and vast.

This week, we saw our first shoot in Japan with fab photographer @anoukdbrouwer!  She introduces model Yuki in this exclusive fashion editorial, where, together, they explore what it's like growing up as a young male in Japan.  Yuki visually expresses how he experienced “the colour white” as a blank canvas growing up; a feeling of lack of experiences, but also a feeling of “nothing is impossible”.

Nasty Magazine

Metamorphosis - June 2022

The process of growth, a process most effective when its concealed from outer eyes. After all; before the caterpillar turns into a butterfly, there is a period of being dysfunctional. This series celebrates exactly this.

C-Heads Magazine

Projections. A series celebrating the breaking away from pleasing others. - April 2022

Netherlands born, currently Tokyo based photographer Anouk Brouwer teamed up with muse and showgirl Kily Shakle for a series full of transformations, confusions and mysteries.

Kaltblut Magazine

Memory Does Not Forget - February 2022

Feelings of being haunted by past experiences; memory does not forget.

Nasty Magazine

Possession - January 2022

I’d love nothing more than to have you near, but I can’t reach. I know it’s not over yet, you are still under my control. Kana Kitty photographed by Anouk Brouwer.


Follow the Sabukaru team through Kanazawa.

Kaltblut Magazine

I see me through you - November 2021




Inspired by BYBORRE’s signature knit technology, we chose to photograph the indoor portion of the editorial in a traditional tatami room. Paying special attention to the patterns that adorn the edges of each tatami mat, we aimed to highlight the attention to detail and craftsmanship that goes into each stitch - of the tatami and the garments alike. To contrast the coziness and warmth of the indoors, we showcased the more rugged and technologically-adept items in the lush Japanese nature.

Taking the BYBORRE knit from an old tatami room to the outdoors while showcasing it in very contemporary styling, we assembled a team of sabukaru favourites to make it happen. 

Act Series.

'Seen By' by Anouk Brouwer - August 2021

PAP Magazine

Flood - August 2021


Sorrow - June 2021

C-Heads Magazine

How would our behavior change if we knew no one was watching? Enjoy a breathtaking beautiful series by Anouk Brouwer starring Kily Shakley. - June 2021

“To be a human being is to be in a constant state of objectification, expectation and scrutiny. Breathing, moving, speaking and dancing is to be sexually and aesthetically evaluated. I live to explore all the aspects of what it means to be a woman; what it means to be Anouk, continuously seeking, seeing, being seen.

In this series, I collaborated with Kily Shakley, a Japanese showgirl who grew up on the other side of the world, but with whom I connected beyond prediction. We talked about female prejudices in Europe, the USA and Asia, we reflected on our feminine and masculine characteristics and we discussed who it is we exhibit ourselves for, for the world to see.

How would our behavior change if we knew no one was watching? This project replies to that complex question. No matter how much life can feel as a performance, I perform for my eyes alone.”


Photographs for Earth Day that consider our precarious place in nature - April 2021

Through the lens of a handful of photographers we’ve featured recently — some of whom contributed to our monthly photo submission series — we take a look at nature, our relationships to it, and how we often lose sight of its importance. From Mount Fuji to the Mexican border, Egypt to Atlanta, here is Earth Day in photos.

Anouk Brouwer, Tokyo, Japan

“Stuck in our own bubbles, in our own realities, dreams and personal interests; let us not forget our mother earth."

Flanelle Magazine



Connected - March 2021

C-Heads Magazine

A Moment With Karyse Coley - February 2021.

Tokyo based photographer Anouk Brouwer shares another intimate series with us. This time she teamed up with muse Karyse Coley.

“This story is inspired by the relationship I have with myself. The muse for this serie, Karyse, is one of the most humble, kind, empathic and unapologetic souls I crossed paths with during my quest towards self-expression. Her sense of independence, humor and strong political views have inspired me. She is a free woman, setting an example to the world in how to be the woman of your own dreams.”

The importance of the body in the shots of Anouk Brouwer January 2021.

The only universal language is that of the body. If a person tells us in a language we don’t know that they’re sad, we’re not able to, but if they’re crying we immediately understand their mood. 
Our body is a very powerful means to convey thoughts, emotions and feelings, we just need to know how to use it. Anouk Brouwer certainly knows how to do it, and her photographs are undeniable proof of this. 

C-Heads Magazine

“信頼” – A series about ’Trust - January 2021.

Sometimes it is not an easy road to trust someone. Because first you need to trust yourself. This series of photos by Netherlands born, currently Tokyo based photographer Anouk Brouwer starring muse Kana Kitty shows how liberating it can be to surrender to someone and simply trust.

““信頼”, the Japanese word for trust, honors my relationship with Kana and all she taught me. Our paths crossed at an interesting point in both of our lives in 2020 and within months she was able to steal my heart and give it back in a different shape, changed forever. I have been struck by her fluency in the languages of courage, imagination, sensibility and trust. Trust in herself. Trust in her body. Trust in me.”

ZERØ Magazine

"Rebirth" Anouk Brouwer - December 2020.

Free-flowing energy and careless experimentation of self-expression are all part of the pain and beauty of growing up. Photographer, Anouk Brouwer, captures the essence of this step to adulthood, where the innocence and vitality chaotically swirl in the heart of youth. Model, Toushi Ishii, sets his energy free out in nature, revealing the vulnerable yet alluring transition in life, full of curiosity to tirelessly conquer and challenge the norm of the society that surrounds him. Makeup+Hair by Mutsumi Miyazaki and all clothing by Nana Miyashita.

Kaltblut Magazine

Feels Like We Only Go Backwards By Anouk Brouwer - December 2020

A KALTBLUT EXCLUSIVE. Creative director Anouk Brouwer teamed up with models Yudai Tateishi and Koshiro Tsuchiya to create ‘Feels Like We Only Go Backwards’. Makeup and hair was done by Mayuko Okada. ‘Feels Like We Only Go Backwards’ is an ode to a previous love and visualizes the discomfort, but acceptance of missing someone. The physical bodily pain has transformed into gratitude. This story is my way of saying “thank you for all you taught me. You live inside of me”.

Sticks & Stones Mothership

Anouk Brouwer 'Irrationality' - November 2020

It’s a pleasure to introduce a new contributor, Tokyo creative Anouk Brouwer. Anouk‘s concepts are cooked up from inner thoughts & experiences, then translated through the bodies of her subjects. Treating the human body as an instrument with its own individual language results in honest images. It is her aim to trigger the imagination of the viewer & to inspire people to shape an unparalleled individual opinion. Today she presents her debut series entitled ‘Irrationality’.

“On a sunny day in Tokyo, four artists came together to visualize the story of Solène & Lin. This series ‘Irrationality’ is inspired by the story of the two artists who fell in love without speaking each other’s language. Their bodies became a tool of communication when words fell short. Living in a world in which everything is “explained” through rationalities, love is the only thing that cannot be defined, it is felt. It is totally, completely & amazingly irrational.”


Mirrored - October 2020

Nasty Magazine

When It Rains... - September 2020

"The process of gathering inner spiritual light is what makes us feel alive. A story shot in Tokyo by Anouk Brouwer."

Flanelle Magazine



WOMANHOOD - August 2020


Editorial: Alter Ego - July 2020

"Artist and photographer Anouk Brouwer shoots an incredible story inspired by the streets of Tokyo and the complex and fascinating Japanese culture. In this editorial, Anouk challenges gender norms and its unwritten rules of self-expression and self-acceptance. Styled by Yuki Yoshida. Hair & make-up by Mayuko Okada. Model Hyo Kagou.


THE QUEST - July 2020

"This series, ‘The Quest’, expresses curiosity and illustrates the importance of questions. This story focuses on the following of ones instinct and the many emotions that can arise when we start questioning ourselves, all visible through the human body.
Coming to Japan by myself during times of a global pandemic was an experience fueled by questioning myself constantly; an experience I captured through the lens."


Solitude - July 2020

Sticks & Stones Mothership

Anouk Brouwer Seijakusei - June 2020

Netherland photographer Anouk Brouwer & her team meet up on a hot & humid day in Tokyo – four women from four different continents unified with the purpose of creation.

“With vulnerability as the main theme, we spoke about what it means for us to let our guards down, what we fear exposing to the outside world & about the differences between physical & emotional exposure. Topics of racism, body positivity, judging other women & self-acceptance arose. This day was immensely empowering as we all gave each other space. Even if we could not understand, we listened, learned & loved.”

Experimental Film & Music Video Festival

Interview with Filmmaker Anouk Brouwer - April 2020

"With this film I wanted to express my love for body motion and the different messages our instrument can send across. I wanted to visualise the power of the way we move our body in this complicated world. The moving body offers an unrelenting dialogue.

Overall, I wanted to express that without words, we can communicate everything. I am always focused on discovering innovative ways to look at the world around me, and I see that we, as the human race, tend to focus on what differentiates us from each other. I believe that body language can bring us back together."


Meet The 2019-20 Participating Filmmakers - January 2020

Experimental Film & Music Video Festival

Director Biography - December 2019

"Anouk Brouwer is a conceptual filmmaker at the start of her career as a director, seeking to create visual artworks with maximum abstraction, triggering the imagination of the viewer; a permanent quest to leave Earth as it is and reconnect with one’s true inner fantasy."


The Best Creative Concept - November 2019

Retrospective of Jupiter

Body Language by Anouk Brouwer - October 2019

"The experimental short film consists of three sceneries, in which the protagonist finds herself in three different environments, ultimately affecting the manner in which she moves her body."